Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199 A 50-Thousand Compensation?

In the end, he had no other choice but to make up a person to blame on. In the

afternoon of the same day, facing the inspection team sent by the higher-ups,

Oliver defended himself calmly.

“After the incident happened, I immediately asked someone to allocate

compensation to the project leader and asked him to pass it on to the victims.

This is the document I approved at that time. Please, have a look.” While

speaking, he handed over a somewhat old document. “Actually, our company

has been closely investigating this after this incident came to light.”

“Oh? Did your company get any leads?” the person from the inspection team

asked while checking the documents. Good thing Oliver had anticipated such a


He took out a yellowed account ledger and spoke outright, “We found that there

were major problems with the accounts of the project. The funds in many places

were vague and not verified, and the matter this time was not recorded in the

ledger. I think that the person in charge took advantage of his position to

embezzle public funds.”

Needless to say, his frankness and willingness to cooperate with the

investigation convinced the investigation team somehow.

looked through the ledger, only to find that there

in the records. Closing the

person in charge

resigned a long time ago. But I have filed a case with

person. Of course, for the victim, our company is willing

consolation money,” Oliver told them what

to do right from the

that, the investigation team no longer said anything

the same day, the matter of the compensation was posted on

Internet through the company’s

However, they were immediately bombarded with mocking

was announced. ’50 thousand?

these are beggars they’re dealing

can’t even get a decent house with so little money.

not just the child. A perfect

this incident. Not only that, the

life, relying on medicine

get the courage


the same time, the victim quickly issued a statement on

the support he received

and demanded 5 million


good environment.’

The people on the Internet immediately voiced their support


‘You should’ve done this way back. The matter with the

been delayed until

”Go ahead and sue them. Don’t worry if your lawyer sucks. I’m a lawyer

gladly help you.’

‘Michael Carter Law Firm, at your

Within a short time, many outstanding lawyers and law firms had stood

willingness to support

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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