Always Been Yours

Chapter 1221

When Oliver came back to his senses, he realized that he didn’t even have the opportunity to explain himself before the other shareholders removed him from his position. One of them even said, “Since Mr. Oliver isn’t the company’s president anymore, I’m sure he needs to take his leave since we’ll be discussing the company’s confidential matter, right, Chairman Hadfield?”

As soon as Francis and Oliver heard the shareholder’s words, their faces darkened.

Oliver stayed seated. He was already mad that they had removed him from his position, but now, they were even kicking him out. After all, no one had ever treated him in such a way. On the other hand, Francis was still rational and knew they could only agree to this even if they were reluctant to do so. After all, the Hadfield Family was at fault.

“Leave now, Oliver.” As Francis spoke, he gave Oliver a look. Looking at his father, Oliver knew what he meant. Although he was still dissatisfied, he could only stand up and leave resentfully.

Within half a day, the news of Oliver’s dismissal had spread through the business circle of Southend. When Edward heard the news, he immediately reported it to Nicholas. Then, he. asked in confusion, “How did you know Oliver had been embezzling the company’s fund, President Sawyer?”!

“Kieran heard about it by chance,” replied Nicholas with a smile:

he invited the person to drink. However, the person was a lightweight and started slurring as soon as he had a few shots. Initially, Kieran and his friend didn’t

that Hadfield Group was earning such a huge profit if it wasn’t for the post on the internet. No

news online. After all, even he,

have that much money. He used the company’s fund to make his

that, Kieran and his friend were startled. Then, they

it is still a big

laughed and said, “Of course, there won’t be a problem. Oliver is a well-considered man. I heard

longer surprised. However, Kieran looked at the man in puzzlement and asked, “How did

he’s drunk. Because of this, I know lots

Kieran’s mind, and he asked the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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