Always Been Yours

Chapter 1224

“I’m not going back!” Wanda refused without hesitation as soon as she heard Horace’s words. “I’m already a grown-up, Grandpa, so you don’t have to intervene in my business!”

Never had Horace expected that Wanda would say such words to him. In that split second, he was so enraged that he couldn’t breathe. Then, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted.

Wanda was terrified. “Grandpa!” The driver saw what happened and immediately made a U-turn to go to the hospital. The next morning, at the Sawyer Residence, Remus was having breakfast when lan approached him.

“Old Master Sawyer, I have just gotten news that Mr. Muller fainted last night and was sent to the hospital.” “Fainted?” Remus was surprised and worried at the same time.

After Remus finished breakfast, he immediately asked lan to take him to the hospital. When he stepped into the ward and saw his friend’s pale face, he felt sad, “Why did you faint all of a sudden?” asked Remus.

When Horace saw Remus, he was still gloomy. “You came.”

“What’s wrong? Is it something to do with your

worried about him, Horace told him what happened after some hesitation. “The Hadfield Family caused trouble at my

Family, so he caved in. After all, if

words, he knew what Horace was implying and was at a loss for words. After some time, he sighed and said, “I thought the matter was dealt with after we reached an understanding. Wanda seemed fine after that as well. I

minds to a goal.” lamented Horace. He didn’t know how to deal with Wanda

Remus left the hospital with a heavy heart. As he got in

the car. When Remus entered the company, he didn’t ask the others to notify Nicholas and

to the couch and sat down. “I went to visit Horace at the hospital just now.” He told Nicholas the

had already heard the news of Horace being admitted

with hesitation. Looking at his expression, Nicholas raised his eyebrow and asked,

I hope you can talk to Wanda for the sake of Mr. Muller. After all, you are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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