Always Been Yours

Chapter 1228

Wanda was speechless. Once again, she could not think of anything to say in retort, and her breathing grew heavier. Fury would not even begin to describe what she felt. Yet, she could not take her rage out on Tessa. It festered inside of her and made her chest ache instead.

As Tessa observed Wanda, who was on the verge of fainting in anger, she abruptly changed the subject. “To be honest, I’ve got a question. Considering your identity and laudable qualities, I’m sure you must have a lot of admirers, right, Miss Muller?”

She stared evenly at Wanda. Wanda eyed her darkly and snorted. “What now? Have you finished criticizing me and decided to pretend to be nice and give me advice instead?”

“You could say that. I just think that with what you have to offer, I’m sure you can find someone who loves you and cares about you, so why must you keep obsessing over Nicholas? There are plenty of accomplished. people in this world.”

Tessa studied Wanda’s expression before adding, ‘Furthermore, if you insist on trying to get someone you can’t have, then not only do you end up with nothing but wounds to show for it, but you even become the despicable person that everyone else detests. Do you think it’s worth it?”

Wanda was stunned into silence. Is it worth it? She quietly asked herself.

continued, “Regardless of whether or not it’s worth it,

into Wanda’s hands and said coolly, “Since

tow. As for Wanda, she held the flowers and stared at them as they left. She ended up

out a long sigh. Nicholas stood beside his wife. When he saw her relieved expression, he asked, “Did you manage to let your

just really tired

before she left the hospital and asked hesitantly, “Did

with gentle, adoring eyes. “Not at all. You spoke very

“Are you sure?”

think of anything to say in response. She

dissipated at once. “I’m glad I didn’t

as he teased, “I’ve never seen you that way before. You do have a fierce, intimidating side to you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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