Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1241

“Okay, then call the police. I want to see whether the police will arrest me for sleeping with my fiancée.”

Oliver had no fear, and he looked at Wanda with a half-smile. “Besides, even though the Hadfield. Family agreed to cancel the engagement before, we never announced it to the public. So, as long as I don’t admit it, you will always be my fiancée. Moreover, what evidence do you have to prove that I raped you? I can also say that you seduced me.”

Hearing these extremely shameless words, Wanda almost vomited blood from anger. How could there be such a disgusting man in this world?

At the Muller Residence, when Horace found out what happened on the Internet, he was shocked and quickly called Wanda to come back. Later, Wanda came back with a sour expression. She walked into the living room and saw her grandfather sitting there. At that moment, she felt so aggrieved that she almost burst into tears. On the contrary, Horace didn’t notice her emotions because he was preoccupied with the news on the Internet.

“Wanda, you’re back. Come and sit here.” He waved to Wanda. Wanda took a deep breath, nodded, and walked over. After sitting down, Horace hurriedly began to ask about the things on the Internet.

“You and Oliver… Did you two really do it?”

“…” Wanda didn’t know how to answer, she fell silent after saying just one word. But her hands,

were hanging by her sides,

clenched into fists.

are embarrassed to say it, just nod your head, so that I understand and can help you arrange your marriage with

Wanda refused fervently. Horace

 tears brimmed

misunderstood. This matter only happened because I was

tell him the truth in the end. If she said that she was raped by Oliver, he would definitely not be able to accept it, and might even end up in the hospital because of it. She couldn’t

at Wanda in surprise. After all, the friendship between the two families had soured after what happened before. It was surprising that Wanda and Oliver could

you two reconciled?” Facing Grandpa’s curious gaze, Wanda gritted her teeth. “No, it’s

this moment, Horace finally discovered some peculiarity with the matter. “Wanda, are you hiding something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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