Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1251

Nicholas lectured Tessa while massaging her body. Knowing that he was worried for

her, she nodded with a smile. “Don’t worry. I know my limits. If I can’t go on, I’ll take a


He cherished her more when he saw how persistent she was. Gregory also added,

“Mommy, you need to take care of yourself. Or else, Daddy and I will worry.”

“I understand, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about me.” She playfully touched

his button nose.

Every night, Nicholas routinely massaged Tessa’s abdomen to help with the

correction. Not only that, but he also massaged her sore legs. Ten days of hard work

later, they finally received some good news.

That day, he brought her to the hospital for a checkup. During the procedure, the

doctor felt uneasy by the stares from Nicholas and Gregory, but he went ahead and

got his job done.

returned to his office and concluded, “The baby

no major issues.”

“Is the baby’s position corrected?” She caressed her

with Nicholas’ help. He and Gregory

hearing the question.

baby’s not fully flipped, but


The couple let out a sigh of relief. That is good news

Gregory, who was leaning against his mother,

the adults’ conversation.

nothing about fetal malposition, but he was sensitive toward

he sensed that everyone was

he picked up fast and realized that his mother might risk her life giving

his baby sister.

the level of concern that Gregory showed for

him in person, but

consultations, which was rare for a

a liking to

as your mommy keeps working hard, she will

to hear that.

hospital. With

to Nicholas’ arm when they emerged from the

to celebrate the good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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