Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1253

The pool of blood made Nicholas’ mind go blank. At last, he reached Tessa. He had

an even clearer view of all the blood that pooled around her, and it distressed him.

“Tessa… Tessa…”

His voice trembled as he kept repeating her name. His hands hovered in the air. He

wanted to hold her, but he was too afraid. Tessa could vaguely hear someone calling

out to her.

However, the excruciating pain made it impossible for her to speak. Her eyelids felt

like lead and she couldn’t open her eyes no matter how hard she tried.

Slowly, she began to lose consciousness. Nicholas’ eyes grew red when he saw his

wife lying motionless on the ground like a broken doll.

He didn’t hesitate any longer. He carried Tessa and ran toward the hospital as he

screamed, “Doctor! I need a doctor! Come and save her…”

The onlookers leaped into action after hearing his piercing screams and they quickly

tried to flag down a doctor as well.

Blood continued flowing out of Tessa’s body. It left a long trail on the ground. Inside

the hospital, the nurses were shocked when they saw Tessa who was covered in



over to Nicholas. ‘Quick, put

even a single moment as he

the nurses immediately wheeled Tessa into the

the way! Step out of the way, please!” Two nurses cleared

behind. His hands were clenching the sides of

popping. No words could describe the anxiety

“Hang in there,

He bent down and cried out to her. His voice was

as well. He was ashen-faced and

arrived at the surgical theater, the nurses wheeled Tessa in

Nicholas from entering. “You

to go in, but whatever sense he had left was enough for him

make a scene right now,


Thus, he grabbed the nurse by the

you have to do! I won’t let anything happen

in the corridor, Nicholas stood right by the entrance to

had a


shaking too and

one of them spoke as they kept their eyes

on the surgical

theater, the doctors

effect. We need

heartbeat is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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