Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1255

Timothy crouched down. He forced himself to rein in his distraught as he held Gregory

by the shoulder and asked. The clouded look in Gregory’s eyes finally started to


“Uncle Tim…” he called out weakly. His voice was laced with fear and uncertainty. It

escaped Timothy’s notice as Tessa was all he could think of at the moment.

He tightened his grip on Gregory’s shoulder as he pressed, “Gregory, quick. Tell me

what happened to your mother and the baby!”

Timothy’s words seemed to snap Gregory out of his daze as the latter started wailing.

He flung himself into Timothy’s arms and cried his heart out.

“Mommy was bleeding so much, Uncle Tim. I kept calling her. She didn’t respond to

me. So much blood.” Gregory was so terrified, his voice trembled with each word. He

could barely speak coherently.

Timothy was beside himself with worry, but he told himself to stay strong as he

comforted Gregory. ‘It’s okay, Gregory. Don’t cry. Your Mommy will be fine.”

“But the doctor said Mommy might die.” Gregory repeated what the doctor said earlier.

Color drained from Timothy’s face when he heard this. “How could this happen?” he

gasped in shock.


hear what Gregory said. Her

crumbled upon hearing


there! How

Timothy vented at Sabrina with reddened

how distressed

this way

there was probably no way of calming him down now,

she said. In the end, she chose to take the

console him instead.

of them were able to care for the little boy,

out with that. The situation


the boy in her arms. “It’s okay, Gregory. Your Mommy will


to trust the doctors. They will make sure

cry anymore, Gregory. Your Mommy will be

you’ve cried until

after all of Sabrina’s consoling, some of her words managed

He rubbed his eyes and sniffled as

Mommy really

wouldn’t dream of leaving an adorable boy

nodded confidently, but deep down

would bet alright. As Sabrina was busy comforting Gregory, Stefania and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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