Always Been Yours

Chapter 1267

He too was worried that his sister’s condition might worsen. After having a simple breakfast the next morning, Tobias, Stefania, and Gregory went to the hospital. When they arrived, Tobias and Stefania saw their son standing outside the ICU like a living statue, his eyes glued to the patient inside.

Nicholas looked worse for wear. Stubble grew around his chin, and he looked like he might pass out at any moment. Worried for Nicholas, his parents approached him quickly.

Nicholas and Timothy looked up when they heard footsteps. After some small talk, Stefania asked, “So, did anything happen last night? Did she wake?” Nicholas shook his head. “No. Still unconscious.”

His parents frowned, concern appearing in their eyes. They were worried about Nicholas too as his eyes were bloodshot and he looked haggard. “You should go home. Clean up. yourself and get some rest. You can come back later after you’ve had some sleep.” Then they turned to say to the equally tired Timothy, “You too. Get some rest. She has us. We’ll call you if anything happens.”

won’t be going home. You get some rest. I’ll call you when she wakes up.”

to get in the way of his love for Tessa. Timothy was touched too. Tess found herself a good man.

to send some food over. Once breakfast arrived, she brought it over to Nicholas. “At least eat something. You can’t take care of her

returned to the ward the moment he finished breakfast and continued to keep a quiet eye on Tessa. He didn’t

to fall at this rate. All of a sudden,

approached his father and held his hand. “Do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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