Always Been Yours

Chapter 1275

She then quickly followed Kieran out of the hospital. The corridor soon fell silent after their departure.

Meanwhile, Timothy observed the exhausted Nicholas and couldn’t help but persuade him, “Nicholas, since Tess is awake and out of the woods, why don’t you head home and rest and return later?”

“I’m okay.” Nicholas shook his head in rejection. Even though Tessa regained consciousness and was no longer in danger, he still wanted to be on guard. What if Tessa wakes up and wants to see me, but I’m not there? She’d be so disappointed.

Stefania couldn’t help but feel distressed because her son had lost significant weight int the last few days.

So, she insisted, “Nicholas, just listen to Timothy. Have a good shower and rest for a while. If you continue like this, Tessa herself will disapprove of your actions.”

She tried to help Timothy to persuade Nicholas. She echoed Timothy’s words and threatened, “If you don’t head back, I’ll let Timothy enter first when Tessa wakes. I’ll even let him tell her that you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”

complain to Mommy, too, Gregory immediately chimed in. Since his father had not been resting for

other, Nicholas threw in the towel and agreed to head home

to the hospital, Andrew rushed over. “Master Nicholas, I’ve just received news that Old Master Remus

Tobias didn’t say and

the hospital. By the time he arrived, Remus was already awake.

her car accident, everyone in the family had initially kept the news from Remus Even when the news broke out later on the Internet, Nicholas even asked Kieran to head to the Sawyer Residence to warn the servants not to say

Horace came to the house first thing in the morning. Then, he sat on the couch in the living room with a heavy heart. Just when he was deep in thought,

Remus was already seated on the couch and saw the gifts on the table. It was Horace’s treasured items that he

Why did you bring them over? Could it be that you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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