Always Been Yours

Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279

After the doctors had done the necessary check-up, Nicholas and Timothy rushed over.

“Doctor, how’s my wife’s recovery?”

“Is my sister improving?”

Both of them expressed their concern in unison.

The doctor smiled as he responded, “President Sawyer, you can be assured that your wife’s getting better. She’s able to communicate normally now.”

When Timothy and Nicholas heard those words, they were ecstatic.

Then, Nicholas entered the ward to visit Tessa.

When she saw him, her lips curled to reveal a faint smile. “Nicholas…”

Although she still sounded weak, it wasn’t like yesterday when she couldn’t even voice her words. She could finally speak normally now.

He almost burst into tears when he heard her voice.

His eyes started burning as he quickly walked to the bedside and grabbed Tessa’s hands gingerly. Then, he stared at her with affection. “I’m here.”

and Tessa was close to drowning in Nicholas’

while before she demanded, “I

she had never met her

of her hand and cajoled her, “I can’t bring the

Tessa nodded slightly.

that, he stayed with her and

doctor confirmed that Tessa’s condition had stabilized, he transferred her from the ICU to the

Tessa’s discharge, both Stefania and

tow to the

Sabrina were also


couldn’t hold back his emotions and darted toward his mother’s bedside

curled into a small smile as she

nodded before

they were distressed when they saw a pale Tessa lying weakly on the bed and looking so

was especially so for Timothy, whose eyes

You shouldn’t be crying.” Tessa mocked him jokingly because

hoarsely, “That’s because you frightened

again in the manner that he lost his mother more

did not say it, Tessa was aware

alright now, so don’t cry. There are so many people. What if they laugh

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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