Always Been Yours

Chapter 1284

Tessa felt her insides melting when she heard the way her son spoke to her.

Both mother and son were fooling around for a bit when Sofia knocked on the door and walked in with a bouquet of flowers.

“You’re here, Miss Sofia!” Tessa beamed when she saw Sofia.

“Good morning, Granny Sofia!” Gregory greeted obediently.

He then pulled a chair over for Sofia.

“Have a seat!” “What a thoughtful child,” Sofia praised.

“How are you feeling today?” she asked as she turned her attention to Tessa.

An error occurred.

Please try again later

“I’m doing fine.

There’s no need to worry about me, Miss Sofia,” Tessa assured her.

Tessa knew how worried Sofia had been over this matter, and she was touched to know that Sofia had traveled such so far just to visit and care for her.

Sofia could tell that Tessa was in good spirits, although she still seemed rather pale.

“I’m glad you’re fine.

I was so shocked when I first heard the news,’ she replied after nodding.

“I was stunned as well.

I never expected such a thing to happen, Tessa explained.

She could still feel fear when she recalled the incident.

I only survived the situation because of my determination and

leave my husband

chatted for a while more

this incident, I’m certain that you’ve found yourself

continued to listen to

your husband waited and cared for you

touching sight,” Sofia

a sweet smile,

glad to see that you’re all better

now that I know you’re safe and

back already, Miss Sofia?” Tessa didn’t want Sofia to leave

However, Sofia nodded.

a bunch of

have to go back,” Sofia

persuade Sofia to stay after

some words of

good care

your seniors and I are all waiting for you to come

it,” Tessa replied

stepped out of the

that evening, Timothy and Sabrina showed

some soup

for you, and it’s supposed to be really

try some of it,” Sabrina uttered as she poured the soup into

she took


care of Timothy throughout this period, too.” Tessa knew that Sabrina had been caring for her

shook her head with a humble and bashful look on

just completing my

my job to take

Reinhart,” she uttered.

a glance at the tall and burly man who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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