Always Been Yours

Chapter 1289

Tessa had already lost one child, so it felt like she had two children’s worth of love to place on this baby. She knew that she wouldn’t have been able to handle the situation if she had lost this baby as well. She would surely have gone crazy. Her tears rolled down her cheeks before landing on the back of Nicholas’ hand.

Her tears left a burning sensation on Nicholas’ skin and he felt a tight feeling in his chest. “All right. It’s all over now. Fortunately, both you and the baby are safe now.” He lifted his hand and gently wiped the tears off Tessa’s face while speaking to her softly. Despite his tenderness, Tessa couldn’t seem to stop crying. She continued to sob to herself.

Nicholas had no choice but to get Tessa to look him directly in the face. “No more crying!” he uttered in a firm and stern voice. “But I can’t stop myself…” Tessa blinked a few times as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Nicholas felt sorry for her when he saw the look on her face. “Stop crying. It hurts me to see you like this,” he muttered after planting kisses on Tessa’s eyelids.

She froze for a moment before she nodded and tried her best to contain her emotions. After a while, her tears finally came to a halt. Nicholas was relieved to see this, and he bent down to give her another kiss on her forehead. “That’s right. No more crying from now on,” he ordered.

“What’s this about?” Tessa realized how Nicholas seemed a lot more mindful of her emotions than before. He pinched the tip of her sharp nose as he explained himself.

heard that it’s bad to cry too much during this

a mental health condition. She hooked an arm around his neck as she beamed and responded in a sweet voice, “I don’t think I’d ever have a reason

logic in her words. He believed that most of the

on the other hand,

into a wide grin when she saw the prideful look on the man’s face. Then, she turned around and relaxed in Nicholas’ arms. “Why don’t we have another child soon? Let’s have a little girl. She’ll have two brothers who can protect her, she

eyes. Truth was, he didn’t

was genuinely terrified. He felt like his heart shattered when he saw Tessa’s weak figure lying

felt like it was too risky to have his wife give birth to another child. “Let’s talk about this in the future. What matters now is that you recover well,” he said. He didn’t give a solid answer as he wanted to avoid the topic

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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