Always Been Yours

Chapter 1297

Timothy still had no idea Sabrina wanted to be his girlfriend. A moment later, they arrived at her house. “We’re here. Get some rest, and don’t push yourself.”

“You too, sir.” Sabrina waved him goodbye. She stood outside her house’s gates, seeing Timothy off. After he was out of sight, she went into her house with a smile. It was a scary day, but at least she got something good out of it. At least Timothy was treating her like he used to.

Nicholas was in the VIP ward, taking care of Tessa. He washed her up, and then they lay in bed, talking about secrets. “Did you notice something different with Timothy when you talked to him earlier?”

“Hm? What happened?” Nicholas looked at her. Tessa told him what she had seen earlier in the day. “He denied it, but I felt that something was wrong between him and Sabrina.”

“They fought?” Nicholas thought this was curious. The girl likes Timothy a lot. No way would Sabrina argue with him.

it looked like a fight and I think Timothy started it. Wonder what happened between them.” Nicholas chuckled. “I thought

deserves my help. You weren’t here, so you didn’t witness how Timothy was acting.”

a tantrum. He held her in his arms, letting her speak. She continued, “I can see Sabrina likes him. She’s working just

with her marrying your brother? Nicholas looked at her jokingly. Tessa answered, “I think she’s

Before we can ascertain their feelings, we should stay out of

just want him to find someone. Now that we have our second baby, I will have to spend more time with the family. I might neglect Timothy, so I would like

she was coming from, however. Tessa scrunched her nose up and smiled. “He’s my only brother. I have to worry, don’t I?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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