Always Been Yours

Chapter 1300

Timothy came back with the hangover pills at moment later, and he even asked the pharmacist to provide him with a glass of warm. water.

Sabrina took the pill and gulped it down with water. She felt her heart warming up by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you, Mr. Reinhart.” She smiled sweetly at the man.

For some reason, he felt delighted at the sight of her lovely smile. “You don’t feel too good, do you? Just lean back and take a nap. I’ll take you home once you’re better.”

The lady nodded and leaned on the seat to take a nap. Meanwhile, the man whipped his phone out to scroll through the news. A dim light illuminated them, and silence filled the car, yet the atmosphere wasn’t awkward in the slightest.

Sabrina eventually felt better, and Timothy took her home. It was peaceful for the coming few days. As usual, Sabrina would visit Tessa every day, though she didn’t bring any soup anymore. Still, she would ask if Tessa was doing well.

gone by since Tessa regained consciousness. The doctor conducted. a major checkup on her, and he said, “The madam is recovering well, and she has gotten a lot better since she woke up. She won’t be passing out at random now.” Nicholas

asked, “So, how much longer do I have to wait until

may get out of bed and move around, madam. Staying in bed for

Finally! I can get out of bed. Gods, lying in bed

welling in his eyes. He knew Tessa was sick of lying in bed, but he could do nothing

to look

“I can finally go around. Quick, take me to Gordon.” As she spoke, she held her leg, which was without a cast,

“You can’t get out of bed. just yet.” He pushed her back onto her bed. Disgruntled, she shot back, “But the doctor just said I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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