Always Been Yours

Chapter 1302

Nicholas looked at them with eyes filled with tender love. Eventually, they thought it was time to go back, and he took Tessa back to her ward.

However, the moment he stood behind her, Gregory approached his father and tried to push him away. “Let me do it, Daddy. I’ll take Mommy back to her room.” He took Mommy here just now, and then Mommy kissed him. If I take Mommy back to her room, then I can also get a kiss.

Unfortunately, Nicholas did not budge. He frowned and said, “Stop that. You don’t have enough strength to push her.”

“As if. I’m plenty strong.” The boy was trying to prove himself so he could get a kiss from his mother. He even went to his mother and pleaded, “Mommy, can I take you back to your room? Please.”

Tessa broke into a smile. She let Gregory do what he wanted since she knew refusing would be pointless. He would only learn when he was taught a lesson by reality.

smug look. Nicholas smiled and said nothing to it. He knew. what Tessa was thinking, so he moved away and let Gregory take

his mother and tried to push her wheelchair, but it didn’t budge. Huh? He pushed as hard as he could, and the wheelchair moved this time, but it merely moved an inch. Once again, he tried to push as best he could. His face was getting red, yet all

for his father dragging him away. When he saw how effortlessly Nicholas could push Tessa’s wheelchair, he asked. dejectedly,

but you are still

a firm nod. “I’m going to grow big and strong so that I can take care of you.” Oh, he’s so adorable. She pulled

to the ward, but the moment they emerged from

darkened, and Tessa furrowed her brows as well. She wondered why Amber

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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