Always Been Yours

Chapter 1305

“Hi, Gordon. I’m Mommy,” Tessa lowered her head and spoke to the baby in a gentle voice.

She did not know whether it was because of their blood ties, but she could feel the bond growing between them the instant she landed her eyes on the baby. It definitely helped that Gordon immediately revealed a sweet smile at the sight of her. His pitch-black eyes were lively and energetic. Moreover, his eyes seemed to contain the entire universe in them.

Her heart nearly melted at the sight. Gregory leaned over from the side and asked excitedly, ‘Mommy, Gordon is so adorable! Can I hold him?”

He glanced at Tessa expectantly. Naturally, Tessa did not refuse him. So, she handed the baby in her arms to Gregory without another word and warned him, “Be careful.”

He nodded seriously, his entire body immediately tensing up in response. At this moment, he was more nervous than when his teachers checked his homework.

Tessa could see his anxiousness and nearly burst out in laughter. She also took into account that he was still just a child, so she did not put the baby’s full weight. in his arms but simply let him hug the baby.

Even so, he was happy and satisfied to be able to embrace the newborn. “Mommy, Gordon is so soft and small!”

when he grows up.” While she spoke, she turned to look at Nicholas. “Why don’t you come and hold

to take Gordon into his arms. “Gordon, I am your

happening at the moment. Nevertheless, he

of joy whose smile never left his face. Before

that Nicholas and the others were men,

strenuous task after all. Tessa laughed at

procedures. Most of

finally finished the formalities, Nicholas pushed her out of the hospital in a wheelchair. The Sawyers had kept news of her discharge

Dynasty Gardens, Nicholas heard a chorus of congratulatory words coming from Andrew and the rest of the servants as soon as he got out of the car. “Congratulations on your recovery and discharge from the hospital,

well-wishes from inside the car. Likewise, Nicholas was also in an excellent

and the rest of the servants with a bright grin that stretched from. ear to ear. Just as Nicholas was about to push Tessa into the house, Andrew suddenly

Master Nicholas.” After he said that, he shot a look at the servant beside him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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