Always Been Yours

Chapter 1318

“It’s great that nothing happened.” “I was so scared just now.” “I covered my eyes and didn’t dare look; I was afraid that I would have nightmares at night.” The crowd whispered among themselves.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the man had a change of heart toward Tessa, who had apologized for her actions. Though still a bit annoyed, he had cooled down significantly.

“You know you have limitations, so don’t cause trouble for others,” he lectured her sternly but with a kind heart. In the end, he sent her back to the staff, saying, “Take care of her. Not everyone can react as quickly as I did.”

“Thank you, sir,” the staff replied and nodded, grateful for his help. During this time, Tessa smiled while remaining silent, but her eyes had a hidden agenda.

After seeing the man off, the staff immediately. checked on Tessa and asked with concern, “Miss Reinhart, are you okay?”

Others joined in, saying, ‘Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?”

“I’m fine,” Tessa reassured them while scanning. the crowd for something.

happened earlier in the crowd, she could sense that someone had deliberately pushed her

voice came again. “Miss Reinhart, perhaps I should take you to the hospital to get

to leave. “We need to head back to the hotel since the banquet is about to start.” The

in different cars. Not long after they left, Susan

that!” Susan watched as Tessa left, feeling pity while clenching her fists

haven’t done anything wrong, Heaven has shown me mercy. But you have, and you’ll get what’s coming

karma, she only believed in taking

she was sure she’d be successful someday.

Tessa dead, she also knew that she couldn’t make any moves for now. After all, this was Xerthania, the stronghold of the Sawyers.

end up in prison again before getting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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