Always Been Yours

Chapter 1320

Stefania stood by the side and said jealously, “Though I took care of him day and night for the past few days, he’s still closer to you in the end. When you weren’t here earlier, he had been crying for quite a while.”

Upon hearing this, Tessa looked at the baby even more lovingly, just like Nicholas who was standing by the side.

On the other hand, Stefania looked at the two in puzzlement. “Didn’t you two go to the celebratory party? Why did you come back so soon?”

“There was a bit of an accident. To be on the safe side, we thought that it would be better to come back sooner.” Tessa did not hide this from Stefania.

Her words worried Stefania to no end. “You’re not hurt, are you?” She took a close look at Tessa, who shook her head. “I’m fine.”

“That’s good.” Breathing a sigh of relief, Stefania turned around and ordered Nicholas sternly, “Investigate this properly. Don’t let anyone else. hurt Tessa.”

Nicholas nodded. “I’ve already told my people to look into it.” The family then exchanged a few more words before going back to their room to rest.

Nicholas helped Tessa to wash up. It was then his phone rang. The caller was Edward. He helped Tessa to rest on

only managed to find some clues, but there’s nothing definite

position Madam was in was the blind spot of the surveillance, so I couldn’t see who pushed her. However, I did check all the cameras in the theater and found that the madam came out at the end of the show. By then, most of the audience was already gone. Soon after Madam exited, Susan, who had a few

list, she should have joined the madam and the others at the party. Yet, she

upon hearing his deduction. This was because the timeframe he saw Susan

a cold expression plastered on his face. “Send

this woman kept going against Tessa. Now that she can’t play the violin temporarily, there’s

Nicholas went back to his room. Tessa, who saw him come in, asked, “Who

the company to me.” Nicholas did not plan to tell Tessa about the investigation; he didn’t want her to worry about

sleep. The next morning, Nicholas went to work early in the morning while Tessa and Stefania were taking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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