Always Been Yours

Chapter 1329

Meanwhile, Timothy could also notice what was wrong but decided to react with a long face and say nothing about it. Despite knowing how difficult he could be to deal with, he didn’t seem to know what he should do next, which resulted in an awkward silence without any further interaction between both after that.

“Thanks for the ride, Mr. Reinhart.” Sabrina stepped out of the car and expressed her gratitude to Timothy.

Timothy nodded and drove away, but instead of going home, he went straight to Dynasty Gardens. In the yard that was brightened up with warm yellow lights, Timothy sat beside Nicholas and drank with him, enjoying the cooling breeze that filled the atmosphere with pleasant vibes.

“So, what brings you here?’ Nicholas made a gesture by raising his glass, probingly gazing at Timothy. “Is there something you want me to help you with?”

Staring at Nicholas’ eyes, Timothy somehow felt as if his brother-in-law could read his mind. Thus, he faked a cough and tried to cover his actual feelings. “Nah, I just wanted to drink with you. That’s all.”

“Oh, really?” Nicholas responded with an ambiguous smile.

his glass to brace himself before gazing at Nicholas with some confidence. “Tell me, Nicholas. How did you make up your mind and decide that my

do you mean by that?” Nicholas squinted, seemingly pondering to figure

I had definitely heard a lot about you. The rumors said you were a cold and heartless man whose world was all about work

time hesitating and went straight for it once I knew she was the one.” He recounted his feelings at

playful smile on Nicholas’ face, Timothy refused to admit his feelings. Therefore, he looked away guiltily while trying to play it cool. “No, of course not. I was

his mischief upon noticing the former’s reaction. While the two men continued to drink quietly, Timothy, who seemed to be bothered, indulged in so much alcohol that he eventually got drunk. Thus, Nicholas summoned the maids and

to bed yet, so she could smell Nicholas’ strong alcoholic breath when he entered. “You seem

him to his room,”

and asked, “What’s wrong with Tim? It didn’t seem usual for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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