Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1334

Who knew Timothy had such a great social network? After a while, when most of the

gifts were received, Timothy could finally get away from the crowd.

Kieran walked over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Tsk, tsk,’ he teasingly

said, “that’s quite the harvest you have.”

Although Kieran was not standing near Timothy just now, everyone knew that gifts

from rich men would never be bad. Timothy politely smiled and held his hand out.

“Where’s my gift?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

‘Don’t worry. I never forget your gift.” Kieran then pulled out a gift box. However,

before Timothy could open the box, he spotted Nicholas walking over with Tessa.

“Happy birthday, Timothy.” Tessa held out her present as she said that. He gleefully

accepted the gift. “Thank you, Tess.”

He immediately began to unwrap his gift.

There, within the box, was an exquisite watch with azure blue gears and a diamondencrusted bezel. It looked lavish yet elegant.

“That’s the latest limited edition watch from Patek Philippe. It’s worth hundreds of

thousands of dollars. As expected of Madam Tessa, she’s so generous with her gifts,”

someone exclaimed.

as well. The watch looks perfect

else. “I wanted this watch too. Unfortunately, I

around them were discussing

gift is Mr. Sawyer going to

definitely be good. After all, he is famous for extending his love to anyone


he somehow began to look


I’ll replace it when I

Nicholas then tossed

Timothy caught it by instinct. When he looked down at it, he saw it was

Porsche worth millions.

Kieran saw that, he was

give me an expensive car for my

grinned when he heard that. He kept the key and gratefully


Nicholas chuckled. He seemed to be in a good


one can ever compare to Mr. Sawyer?


suddenly want a brother-in-law like Mr. Sawyer.” “I truly envy

have a sister.”

As everyone chatted and laughed, the gift- giving part of the night came to


A lot of people actively approached Timothy to talk to him while many

with him. However, he had no interest in even talking to those

reaction made the ladies thoroughly jealous. of Sabrina

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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