Always Been Yours

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337

The man grinned at Kieran, waiting to be praised.

Then, Kieran patted him on the shoulder. "Not bad. I didn't think you would be that good of an actor."

"Tee-hee. I'm alright. It's honestly because you gave me a good script, sir," the man complimented while he scratched the back of his head.

His words filled Kieran with pride.

Then, he looked up at Timothy's figure and smiled. "Alright. We have done our duty. It is now up to him. Come, let's go get a drink. It'll be my treat."

"Thank you, Master Kieran."

Following that, Kieran and the man walked away.

Meanwhile, inside the car, Tessa breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Timothy finally make a move. She had been so worried that he was too repressed to admit his own feelings.

reaction, he chuckled and pinched her

entirely up to them." After that, Tessa looked at him with a

each other before ordering Edward to

was in the dark about

Sabrina as they stood by the road. In addition, their black and white outfits complemented each other perfectly. Soon, they gazed into each other's eyes

difference between them, which oddly enhanced the picturesque quality of the


she realized she was still in Timothy's embrace, and feeling mortified,

hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. However, his actions stunned her, and she lowered her head in

did it! At that thought, Sabrina could not resist sneaking a glance at

endearing. Then, he softly cleared his throat and broke the silence. "Why didn't

him earlier, there would not have

her love first? I've already given you hints. Moreover, you never noticed it." She even shot him a sullen look, and her heart was

sheepish look on his

response filled Sabrina with both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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