Always Been Yours

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339

"My confession is a success, Mommy," Sabrina giggled. Then, she happily hugged her mother.

However, sorrow filled Figario's heart when he saw his daughter's happiness. It felt as if someone had stolen his treasure.

Suddenly, he huffed angrily, "At least the brat is smart enough. Introduce me to him when we have the time. Let me see if he really is as good as you say."

"No problem. I'll find a chance to let him know." Following that, she nodded happily.

Meanwhile, Tessa was in a good mood when she returned home. Finally, someone can look after Timothy in my absence. Perhaps, I'll have a nephew or niece soon. She was overwhelmed with joy at that thought.

Nicholas' mood also brightened at the sight of her joy.

For the next few days, it seemed as though they had returned to the peaceful days of the past.

kids. When she had the time, she would head into the music room to practice. So, when Nicholas returned home in the evening, the entire family would go for a stroll

eye, an entire month


have recovered nicely, Madam Tessa. For the next few weeks, you can start with physical therapy to regain muscles

couple joyfully

physical therapy sessions?" Nicholas asked. "What do we need

therapy sessions?"

subsequent appointments. Every day, you'll be at the hospital working on your muscles. You will start with 30-minute sessions and slowly work

of them solemnly listened to his instructions before making

After experiencing some discomfort at the beginning of her physical therapy appointments, she eventually got used to it. Even though she could only do 30-minute sessions, she felt her leg getting stronger by the day, which

bothered Tessa was that Nicholas had to take time out of his hectic schedule to come with her to the hospital. Soon after, she stopped him from accompanying her so he wouldn't tire

used to the hospital now," she said. "You don't have to go with

he was unhappy, he had to give in and stop accompanying her because he could not win

about the physical therapy sessions?" Nicholas

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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