Always Been Yours

Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341

Once Tessa arrived home, exhaustion was the only thing she felt. Since nothing seemed wrong with her body, she stopped worrying.

She continued training for two more days.

Suddenly, she realized her legs started aching really badly. Hiss...

She gently massaged her thighs, but she could not help frowning as the pain turned into agony.

It felt like her leg was not recovering and was instead getting worse.

Her physical therapy sessions during the day felt so much more strenuous than before as if she was under a lot of pressure.

That evening, after Tessa coaxed Gordon through dinner and into bed, she rested on the bed and gently kneaded her legs.

To avoid waking him up, she was biting her lip the entire time to endure the discomfort radiating through her legs.

When Nicholas entered the room, he found her face covered in a thin sheen of sweat while her skin looked rather pale in a sickly way.

"What happened?" he asked.

My exercise schedule was changed a few days ago. My legs are so sore from the new routine." She then smiled

worry, though? He immediately frowned. "Since you don't feel

Tessa nodded in

not told her to rest, she had

worried about her. He waited until

up, sha was biting har lip tha

her treatment plan suddenly changed? Show the new

Edward hung up soon



breakfast with his family, he then headed

at the office, Edward entered Nicholas'

Clayton, Madam Tessa's primary doctor, was given a chance to go overseas for professional development at the last minute. Hence, he wrote

is it?" Nicholas stared at

answered honestly. "I asked the other doctors last night. Everyone said the plan was unreasonable as it

soon as Edward said that. It was evident someone was

yet?" His eyes shone with a

sight made Edward jump as he hurriedly said, "The

then!" Nicholas' voice was

immediately went away to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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