Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

After all, Sabrina’s relationship with Timothy was official in the company.

“Prospera Group is despicable!” she hissed with clenched teeth.

Tessa and Nicholas, on the other hand, didn’t think too much about it.

For Timothy’s sake, Nicholas reminded her kindly, “If it is really Prospera Group

playing tricks on you, you must start paying attention to the current projects in hand.

Never invest in a project before signing the contract again. You must also monitor

other projects since Prospera Group is notorious for pulling all kinds of stunts just for

their own benefits.”

As Prospera Group’s mortal enemy, he was well-versed in their usual methods.

Sabrina thanked Nicholas for the reminder, but she still looked quite skeptical because

she was well aware that Prospera Group wasn’t specifically picking on Gulliver Group.

Tessa was sharp to notice the hesitant look on Sabrina’s face.

“Do you have something to say, Sabrina?”

Seeing the worried gaze Tessa gave her, Sabrina made up her mind.

“Yes, I do. I believe Prospera Group is targeting Tim rather than us.”

“Tim?” Tessa was dumbfounded.

Nicholas’ expression quickly turned serious. “What happened?”

Prospera Group

learned about the Al smartwatch that Tim developed,


about the incident yesterday. “Even after Tim rejected him, he

give up. He offered to pay 500 million to buy the

again, so they ended on a bad

family’s business.”

pulled a long face after

was obvious that the Gulliver Group’s

seek revenge on her brother, but

switched their target to the Gulliver

too domineering?

them even if the

of distress on Tessa’s

“I’ll leave this matter to

“Yes, sir!”

to leave when Tessa suddenly

Mr. Jackson. I’ll

other words, she wanted Timothy to settle the

Nicholas understood her intentions, but he was still

to deal

Timothy might be at

his concern, but she shook her head and

let you protect him every time.

Besides, he might be able to deal with the issue by himself.

for now, but you can’t always clean up after

were no doubt

“Alright. He should


comes to worst,

say the next sentence out loud but instead hinted at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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