Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

“We tried to trace back, but the other side had designed a virus in the program. Once

we track it down, the virus will invade our system again, and it may cause secondary

data loss for the company. It could even lead to the collapse of the entire database,”

the manager answered truthfully while carefully observing Harper’s expression.

When he saw the anger on Harper’s face intensify, he quickly explained, “Mr. Quinn,

it’s not that we don’t want to track it down; it’s just that the person behind this attack is

very skilled. I suspect that they’re a top-ranked hacker in the industry. They’re at least

in the top fifty.”

Hearing that, Harper was stunned. A top-ranked hacker who is ranked in the top fifty in

the industry? Why is this person suddenly attacking my company? The cost of

employing such a person is substantial. Who would spend that much money to target


Instantaneously, Timothy’s face appeared in his mind. Could it be him?

He suspected it might be Timothy, but he couldn’t be sure. After thinking momentarily,

he ordered, “You guys go ahead and fix the company’s internal systems. I don’t want

to see

department head nodded and

turned to his assistant and instructed, “Have

the company lost in this

assistant nodded

returned with someone from the finance department. “Mr.

million,” the finance department’s


an immediate thought. He looked

Gulliver Group

was strange,

Quinn, the Gulliver Group lost

something was not right. The loss was exactly the same

they had

hand, Harper also realized

attack on the company was indeed

moment, he was seething with anger and felt challenged.

glanced at Harper’s darkened face and nervously swallowed

beside him. Nonetheless, the finance department representative didn’t

loudly, fearing he would become

ignored them both, picked up his

going to


from the

you dare to say that you did not carry out the attack

my company today?”

to accuse someone. Do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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