Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1359

Chapter 1359 Dinner With the Gulliver Family

Nicholas nodded in agreement. “Know thyself, know thy enemy, and you will never be


“I understand now. I’ll send someone to inquire.” Timothy nodded and picked up his

phone to instruct his secretary. That night, he stayed at his sister and brother-in-law’s


The following day. after a warm family breakfast, he prepared to go out and buy a gift.

“I’ll go with you.” Tessa said, rolling her wheelchair behind her brother to help him


However, she only took a few steps when Nicholas pulled her back. “When it comes

to gift-giving. Edward is more experienced. I’ll have him come over and help. You stay

home and rest.” he said.

Since the person who had attacked Tessa in the past had not been apprehended, he

was understandably anxious about her going out. Moreover, her mobility was still

she could not

Timothy understood Nicholas’ intentions and persuaded his

have Mr. Jackson with me. so there shouldn’t

He didn’t want his

her well-being,

going out. Instead, she opted to stay at

was finally time for Timothy to meet the Gulliver

Residence early in the morning with his

not as intimidating as the Gulliver Family’s,

three-story tall villa before him. feeling

Sabrina noticed he had arrived and ran

you coming in?” she asked, linking her arm

Hearing that, he looked at her beautiful smile and suddenly

“Nothing. Let’s go inside.” he said,

were all in

Yaromir. Hello.” he greeted them politely, one by one. Before they entered.

him to her family

Yaromir were smiling as they

black suit that accentuated his lean figure

composed. He had gone as far

vibrant and livelier.

her prospective son-in-law as

already known about Timothy

he had handled the Prospera Group situation the day before. Even

He gave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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