Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377 Hobbs Denied His Feelings for Tessa

“It’s been a while, Miss Sofia.”

“Glad to see you again, Prince Abott,” Sofia greeted Abott politely before turning to the

side and greeting Freya.

The three spoke in a casual tone, indicating they already knew each other before

today’s banquet.

On the contrary, Tessa was quite nervous as royalty was now standing right in front of


But soon, she found Hobbs, the man she met in the garden a while ago, standing


Meeting her gaze, he inclined his head slightly.

At the same time, Freya and Sofia were exchanging words.

“I was worried sick when you didn’t give a concrete answer to my invitation to perform

that you wouldn’t agree with

live performance, and it’s been on my

really looking forward to

music, Princess Freya.

with me.” Sofia looked happy when she explained


the princess into a

took Freya aback. “Did your apprentice not

“It’s not about that. Something happened to her quite a while ago, and she


due to her

Tessa, who stood beside her. She

is. Meet Tessa Reinhart, who is also my last student.

than the students before her, so I’m expecting her to take

when I retire.”

Sophia to think so highly

to the words. When she came back

to meet

mine. Sofia thinks highly of you, and I’m already looking forward

ago, I happened to come

online. I must

moment, Freya recognized Tessa as the talented musician who made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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