Always Been Yours

Chapter 1381

Chapter 1381 A Damsel in Distress

Hobbs was looking for Tessa. He remembered how lovely she was under the moonlight when he saw her that night in the garden.

She was completely different from all the opulent-looking women who threw themselves at him.

However, he couldn’t find Tessa after looking around in the hall. Losing interest in the celebration, he walked outside to get some fresh air while also avoiding the women who wanted to approach him.

Unexpectedly, minutes after stepping outside, he ran into Tessa, who was also out for some fresh air.

Noticing the captivating woman standing not far away from him, Hobbs was astounded.

“Miss Reinhart.”

With a warm smile on his face, he took the initiative to greet her.

Tessa was a little surprised as she had not expected Hobbs to be here. She then took a look at the celebration hall behind him and teased, “Are you out here to avoid the people inside, Mr. Hobbs?”

Hobbs couldn’t help but laugh when he heard that. He found Tessa to be more lively and adorable than she was when he saw her that night.

Then, he looked at her and sincerely praised her by saying, “You look really beautiful tonight, Miss Reinhart.”


give it much thought and politely praised

widened as he realized that the woman in front of him was far more interesting than anyone else in

you out here right now? Isn’t it time for you to shine

performance is the finale, and there’s still some time left,” Tessa

“So you’re the finale, eh? You

humbly, “I still have

“Are people from your country all

be humble?” Tessa blinked and

was stumped for

You’ve made me even

everyone fancies something different,” Tessa responded, her eyes shining

just like that, both of them had a

performance had

bow, she returned

saw a few crew members walking out. Thus, she leaned to the side so that they wouldn’t knock

gown’s hem when she passed by, causing the shoulder straps

a terrified

her body covered, her face was pale from

was stunned as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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