Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1395

Chapter 1395 Shareholder Meeting

Nicholas didn’t care.

After all, he was confident that he could convince that group of people.

However, Kieran was still worried about it. “But there weren’t this many issues in the

past few years. Is it a hint that they’re going to stir up trouble soon?”

“When have they not made a fuss?” Nicholas retorted.

Kieran was instantly speechless at that.

What Nicholas said was true.

They would undoubtedly cause trouble every year they returned.

Moreover, due to the Sawyer Family’s huge business, they had flourishing branches

and complicated relationships.

Around this time every year was considered to be the busiest time for them.

“You know that’s not what I meant, Nicholas. Even though a few shareholders would

make a fuss in the past few years, most of them were still in a neutral state, but this

year, a few of them started to act up. I think they’re going to cause huge trouble soon.”

After saying that, he looked at Nicholas with concern. “I know you don’t take them

seriously, but this year is different for you. You have Tessa and Gordon now. The

shareholders might do something outrageous to them.”

Without a doubt, Kieran’s words did make Nicholas realize


to have zero weaknesses, so those people could

him, but now that he had a wife and children, he

to be wary of

the same time, he

Every year around this time, the

if they weren’t tired of it, he

thought, his

at a thought.

to surrender to me

of relief upon hearing that because

Nicholas wouldn’t let those

what are your plans?” He glanced at

his question, Nicholas pulled out a stack of

“These are the account books sent back from

to the finance department

“No way. Are you asking me to check

face as he

acting more and

books handed back from


a huge sum of money abroad,

amount in the account book

an easy task to calculate the


cold gaze in response. “Weren’t you saying that

cause a commotion every year? Check these account books and


I’ll get the finance

to his senses

again, “Monitor them and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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