Always Been Yours

Chapter 1397

Chapter 1397 Lunchbox

Tessa hit Nicholas in the chest lightly with anger and amusement.

Nicholas didn't seem to mind it as he raised his brow. "I don't care. You're sleeping with me tonight."

As soon as he said that, he carried her bridal style and headed toward the bedroom.

After entering the room, he placed her on the bed and climbed onto the bed too before pulling her into a tight hug.

The two exchanged glances and smiled sweetly at each other.

Nicholas lowered his head to kiss Tessa's forehead and muttered, "Good night."

"Good night."

Tessa placed a kiss on his chin too before shutting her eyes.

Soon, the room was enveloped in silence, but the atmosphere was filled with love.

It didn't take long for Tessa to sense that the man beside her had fallen into a deep sleep as she opened her eyes once again.

She looked at his handsome face and silently mused, You must be so exhausted.

he couldn't get his mind off the

woke up with him. She watched him have breakfast and rush

with so much work recently that she couldn't help worrying about

reminded Andrew, "Tell the chef and the kitchen helpers to prepare a heavy breakfast packed

them know later," Andrew replied with a nod and a

that Tessa was doing it for Nicholas' sake.

nodded and added, "Besides breakfast, tell them to pack lunch and dinner so that I can send them to Nicholas' office on

Master Nicholas will be very happy to see you sending food to him," Andrew praised her.

his body won't be able to take it if he keeps this up. Besides, whenever he gets plunged into work, he always forgets

as she said that,

can rest assured now that you're

just arrived, and she was just in time to hear Tessa talking to Andrew, so she didn't want to interrupt.

visit was to remind Tessa to pay extra attention to Nicholas

Stefania was extremely relieved as she lamented, "I'm so glad that Nicholas has you to take care of him now. You're such a good girl,

flattering me. It's just my duty

embarrassed hearing her praise, hence she smiled

will let them know later," Andrew replied with

her smile without another word before heading

heading over to

to noon, Tessa brought the lunchboxes to Sawyer

documents on his desk as soon as

sudden appearance. "What brings

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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