Always Been Yours

Chapter 1400

Chapter 1400 Report

"They stay abroad most of the time. I expect them to have kept a lot of secrets," said Edward. Despite that being the company secret, he thought Tessa had the right to know. "These guys have been doing their own business in private using the company's money. But this time, their activities have affected the whole ledger. They tried to cover their *ss, but the president won't stand for it." He sighed. "He's going to have to deal with a lot of stuff."

Tessa felt for Nicholas, and she was angry at those who sabotaged his company.

Edward added, "That's not the worst part. When Old Master Sawyer's brothers come back, it's going to get a lot worse."

"Why?" Tessa looked at him curiously.

She knew Remus had two brothers, but she didn't know a lot about them. For one, Tessa had never seen them, and two, Nicholas barely brought them up.

Edward stayed silent for a moment, then he said, "They're enemies of Master Nicholas. They've been trying to trip him up all these years."

and now you're telling me something worse is coming? "Edward, keep an eye on Nicholas. Tell him to catch a break from time to time and

my job. I'll

that. She still looked a little upset when she entered the house. Stefania was in the lounge, playing with Gordon. When she heard Tessa coming in, she smiled.

lunch box to Andrew, then she sat down with Stefania. The sight

and Gordon trouble you?"

Greg even

the kids did, and their stories wiped Tessa's frustration

was Nicholas

about the account problem as

job. I'll be sure he rests."

"What's wrong?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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