Always Been Yours

Chapter 1409

Chapter 1409 Fell Into the River

Kieran quickly gave a summary of his current situation.

Nicholas leaped to his feet with a grim expression. "Got it. Be careful. I'm coming over right now."

He was going to tell Kieran to stay on the line, but Kieran ended the call.

To avoid distracting Kieran, Nicholas had to hold in his anxiety as he rushed out of the office.

He ran into Edward who was just about to bring some documents to him.

Edward noticed that Nicholas looked worried, so he asked, "Did something happen, President Sawyer?"

"Is your car here?" Nicholas asked instead.

Edward was confused but he nodded and replied, "Yes. I drove to work today."

"Bring the car around and take me to the ring road. Quickly!" Nicholas instructed firmly.

A few moments later, they were both in the car and rushing toward the ring road.

Nicholas kept repeating, "Speed up. Drive faster."

at once as he stepped on the accelerator, but he still had no idea what was

something happen, President

was driving on the ring road when he realized something was wrong

in on the situation.

shifted as he asked concernedly, "Is Vice President Sawyer

lest he gets distracted, but he's a good driver. He should be fine,

the answer to

and began

they got to the ring road, it was too

colliding with another car, he switched directions and drove

least, if he drove into the river, there would still be a chance of survival. However, if he crashed into another car or an even bigger vehicle, he could very well lose his life.

accident, the ring road was congested. The bridge was filled

car was one

hurried down from the car and saw how

him and exclaimed, "Why did

who was heading back to his car after checking on the situation heard the question and kindly shared what he knew

up ahead. A limited-edition luxury car rammed into the railing and fell into

Edward gasped as he quickly turned

to be the one Nicholas lent

didn't say anything, but his jaw was clenched as he ran over to the scene of the accident.

utterly destroyed, his expression became

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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