Always Been Yours

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422 What’s Going On?

The rest of the people were stunned as well. "Master Joseph?"

"Joseph, you…" There was clear suspicion in everyone's voice. Even Remus scrutinized Joseph. Joseph felt himself panicking at the sight of everyone's gazes. However, he was a man of experience—Nicholas might have shocked him with this sudden attack, but it only took him a while to calm down. Joseph then decided that he would take a more aggressive approach in return.

Joseph widened his eyes and glared at Nicholas before barking at him. "What are you trying to say here? Are you suggesting that my assistant tried to hurt your brother?" Nicholas remained calm even when he saw Joseph trying to deny the truth. "Well, why are you in such a rush to deny it? I haven't made any accusations," Nicholas replied with a smirk. In other words, he was implying that Joseph seemed a little too defensive.

The rest of the people exchanged glances after hearing Nicholas' words. They seemed rather speechless for a while, and most of them ended up turning to look at Remus. Meanwhile, Remus was staring at the ground. There was a dark look on his face, but no one could guess what was running through his mind.

emotions after hearing the conversation. She turned to Joseph with a look of fury in her eyes. "Why? Why

of shame and rage. "You don't have any evidence of your claims. Stop making

other hand, was furious when he heard Stefania. However, he knew that there was no point in arguing with her, so he turned to Nicholas instead. "Well, are you saying

a provocative glare. Before Joseph had a chance to explain himself, Nicholas continued, "Well, I'm glad that you're anxious because it just shows

had evidence that could be used against him. However, Joseph wasn't prepared to give in just yet. "You're speaking without evidence. How

after receiving Nicholas' signal. Edward stepped forward with some files before he handed a copy to every single

Remus was filled with shock when he first read the file. His initial shock was soon replaced by a powerful rage. "Are these things true,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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