Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1441

Always Been Yours Chapter 1441-“Mr. Gulliver and Old Mr. Gulliver, these are gifts for

you.” “Timothy, you even brought gifts for us? Oh, you shouldn’t have.” Although

Figario’s words were filled with rejection, the smile on his face grew wider at the sight

of Timothy bearing presents..

Next to him, Reggie and Annalise also gave him a checkmark in their minds. Since the

two had been staying in the family’s old house all year round, Christmas was the only

time they got to get together with Sabrina and her parents. However, this year, other

than getting together with their son and granddaughter, Reggie and Annalise had

another purpose: to see Sabrina’s boyfriend for themselves.

Of course, Timothy keenly sensed Reggie and Annalise’s scrutiny. Although he was

still slightly nervous, he was far calmer than when he first visited the Gullivers.

So, Sabrina’s grandparents were highly satisfied by his performance as they kept

ticking things off their list while they observed the talented, well-spoken, gentlelooking, and courteous man in front of them.

Since Annalise knew about Timothy’s leg injury in the past, she even glanced at his

legs. However, the concern she had in her heart when she heard the news dissipated

after she saw Timothy’s legs looking completely fine.

After the impromptu gift-giving ceremony, Melina warmly urged Timothy to take a seat.

Just then, Reggie took the initiative to ask Timothy, “I heard that you would be going

abroad after Christmas. Is it true?”

“Yes, I plan to further my studies abroad. I want to pick up advanced technology from

their curriculum and incorporate it into our company’s technology when I return. This

products in the future. Timothy

his ambitions.

Annalise was somewhat worried

“Still, it will take you some time until you finish your study

will take about two

Melina also couldn’t help but frown when she heard his

Yet, I can’t believe they will need to go through a longdistance relationship

Therefore, she asked, feeling slightly worrisome, “Two


Timothy could still read between

that before he could respond, Sabrina beat him to

with me. I plan

help him supervise the company while he is away.

on my

in agreement. “I will also

were delighted when they heard their decision. While

finally done

group migrated over to the dining room. Everyone thoroughly

Reggie still didn’t know how Timothy

a few questions. “Timothy, you are only in

your net worth has reached a million. Judging from this, you are

So, tell me how did

didn’t have any intention of hiding his

lucky. I developed a product with my friends, and its

recognized by Sawyer Group, making our company


Reggie got somewhat emotional after he listened to Timothy’s story. “As

era is a good time for entrepreneurs. Starting a business wasn’t this

days. That immediately brought him down. memory lane

past to

to the same

attention to it. As Timothy listened, he


Melina and Annalise, who had been sneaking discrete glances at him,

Timothy was practically through the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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