Always Been Yours

Chapter 1452

Chapter 1452 Out of Danger

An unreadable look appeared in Timothy's eyes at Nicholas' words.

Meanwhile, inside the ER, the doctors and nurses were treating Tessa's wounds as efficiently as possible.

As she had lost a lot of blood, her vitals had dropped to dangerous levels at one point. Fortunately, after an hour of emergency treatment, she was finally out of danger, and the doctor hobbled out of the ER, looking as though a huge stone had been lifted off his shoulders.

The second he appeared, he was surrounded by Nicholas and the others.

"How's my Wife doing?"

"Doctor, is my sister going to be okay?"

Nicholas and Timothy bombarded the doctor with several questions while the others looked at him with worry in their eyes.

The doctor understood what they were going through, so he didn't mind the rough treatment. Instead, he did his best to brief them about Tessa's condition. "The patient is fine now, but she's very weak due to excessive blood loss. She'll need to rest well after this, and it will be best if she does it through a nutritious diet."

as they all breathed a collective sigh of relief. "This is great! She's going to be all

remember we have a piece of century-old ginseng at home. Once she's awake, I'll have it made into a nutritious tonic for her. I'm sure it'll pair well with other foods," Stefania said, immediately making dietary

nodded in agreement at her idea, and Timothy said earnestly, "That's so kind of you. Thank you,

thank me. This is the least I can do. Moreover, she's in this situation now because of the in-fighting within the Sawyer

doctor and pressed, "Besides being physically weak,

make sure she doesn't move around too often. Also, her palms are severely grazed. We've cleaned the wounds, but they shouldn't get in contact

others were well and truly reassured. Meanwhile, Nicholas took everything

Tessa was transferred to a ward, and all the wounds and cuts on her had been attended

head. Besides, her face was as white as a ghost due to blood loss. She

gently held her hand, and sniffled. "Mommy…"

him as he stayed

signs of waking up, Gordon, who had been

kept his gaze on the doctor and pressed, "Besides being

would return home with the children. "I don't think Tessa will wake up tonight, so I'll be bringing the children home with me. I'll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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