Always Been Yours

Chapter 1459

Chapter 1459 Awake

"Mr. Sawyer, what did you mean in the text message?" Hathaway's voice sounded nervous over the phone.

Nicholas held his phone and said lightly, "It meant exactly what it's supposed to mean." As soon as he finished speaking, there was a long pause on the other end of the phone. It was only a moment later that her slightly hoarse voice was heard, "Where did you find my daughter, and where is she now?"

"I think you should ask her father if you want to know where your daughter is. I believe he knows better than I do." Then, he hung up the phone without a moment of hesitation.

Hathaway went to find Rorion the moment she put down her phone.

Rorion came down to the brightly lit living room from upstairs wearing a sleeping gown. He stared at her in surprise as she looked out of sorts and frowned. "Why aren't you sleeping in the middle of the night? What are you doing at my house?"

She did not respond. Instead, she walked quickly to his side. "Rorion, is Kathleen still alive?" She grabbed his arm tightly as she asked eagerly. Obviously, the out-of-the-blue question startled him, and he denied it firmly in a heartbeat, "Why are you asking me this? You should know better than I do that Kathleen is dead. Didn't you watch her being buried?"

the kind of person who would lie!" She shook her head vigorously, not realizing that Rorion's expression

"Who? Nicholas?"


there was no answer, and he began to feel uneasy. Hathaway, who noticed his

me. Is Kathleen trying to seek revenge from Tessa now that she isn't dead?" Hathaway gritted her teeth and demanded. He felt a little guilty when being questioned but also a little annoyed. "So, what if she is alive? As a mother, not only did you not seek revenge for your own daughter, but you also won't allow her to seek revenge for herself. What kind of logic is that?" Nonetheless, she was furious upon hearing

daughter had died for good. But she could not just sit by and watch things unfold, especially since she knew her daughter had miraculously survived. So, she flew to Southend overnight.

next day, feeling like she had been run over by a car. Her body ached, her head was really dizzy, and she

"Who? Nicholas?"

it was him!" She nodded.

that his mother had woken up and exclaimed happily,

this moment, Greg noticed that his mother had woken

dashed over quickly upon hearing his son's exclamation. However, he saw her furrowing brow and immediately asked in concern, "Is the wound on your body

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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