Always Been Yours

Chapter 1467


"Of course," Sabrina accepted gracefully.

Just like that, they started dancing to the violin playing in the restaurant. When the music ended, Timothy tightened his arms around her and said in a soft but deep voice, "Promise that you'll wait for me."

"I promise, and I'll visit you if time permits." She raised her head and gave him a beatific smile.

He couldn't stop himself from lowering his head at the sight of her pink lip and kissing her. It was a passionate kiss, and none was willing to stop. They only broke apart once they ran out of air in their lungs.

She rested her scarlet face against his chest; her eyes were glassy, and her body weak. Timothy was also out of breath, but the look in his eyes was clear because he hadn't forgotten what he wanted to do.

Then, he took out a jewelry box from the pocket of his trousers and a ring from within.

Sabrina was briefly startled when she felt something metallic slide onto her finger. Hence, she instinctively looked down and saw a delicately crafted diamond ring placed on her ring finger.

Then, a husky voice whispered into her ears, "Although this isn't an engagement ring, I hope that you'll wear it so that you won't be harassed by some idiot."

She giggled as a sweet, blissful emotion swept over her heart. "I'll wear it every day, then." Even though she didn't say anything about the ring, her eyes never left it. It was clear that she loved it.
"Of course," Sabrina accepted gracefully.

Just like that, they started dancing to the violin playing in the restaurant. When the music ended, Timothy tightened his arms around her and said in a soft but deep voice, "Promise that you'll wait for me."

The separation came after dinner, and she sent him off to the airport. Although she was mentally prepared, it was still unbearable for her to see him leave when they were at the airport.

"Take good care of yourself once you're abroad and have your meals on time. I'll call every day to check on you," she reminded with concern, her voice filled with reluctance.

Timothy naturally noticed this, so he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of myself and visit you during every semester break."

Sabrina nodded, and then she remembered something and wriggled out of his embrace. "Also, don't check out girls when you're abroad."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." As he gazed at the girl, who was fierce but cute at the same time, his eyes were filled with utter love and adoration, and they stayed sickly sweet for a while before it was time for him to board the plane. Sabrina watched as he boarded and only left when she couldn't see him any longer.

Meanwhile, Tessa received a message from Timothy that he had boarded the flight. Then, she set aside her cell phone, tilted her head at Nicholas, and sighed, "I won't be able to see Tim for a long time after this. I wonder if he can take care of himself when he's overseas."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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