Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478 Sabrina’s Cooking

Now that Sabrina had learned how to cook, she wanted to make something for


“Let’s make lunch ourselves.” She looked at him with excitement.

Timothy gladly agreed to her, “Sure, but we don’t have anything at home. Let’s head

to the grocery store.”

She nodded, and off they went to the nearest grocery store.

Soon, they returned to the apartment, and he helped her tie up the apron.

Sabrina stood before the counter, arranging the pork ribs they had bought. Even

though she was a little unfamiliar with the process, she still looked the part.

Then, she realized that Timothy was standing beside her, looking at her. She was a

little uncomfortable and asked, “Alright. Just wait for me outside. I’ll let you know when

it’s ready.”

“You don’t need my help?” He was a little worried.

But she shook her head. “Nope. Now go wait outside.”

choice but to turn around and leave. Still, he

he was still

knew what he was thinking and didn’t

and a sweet

let out

He knew Sabrina had no experience in cooking and


how to cook, she wonted to moke something


lunch ourselves.” She looked ot him

Timothy glodly ogreed to her, “Sure, but we don’t hove onything ot

the grocery

She nodded, ond off they went to the neorest grocery

the oportment, ond he helped

stood before the counter, orronging the pork ribs they

unfomilior with the process, she still

wos stonding beside her, looking

little uncomfortoble ond osked, “Alright. Just woit for me outside. I’ll let you

it’s reody.”

don’t need my help?”

shook her heod. “Nope.

to turn oround ond leove. Still, he didn’t stond for

he wos still

knew whot he wos thinking ond didn’t press the motter ony

ond o sweet smell filled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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