Always in Love with You

Chapter 15 Are You Serious About Polly!

Avril walked through the quiet Soren forest behind the library and headed for the school gate, while humming a merry tune all the way.

Suddenly, she slowed down and walked softly.

"Kevin, what did you say! Say it again! " Fanny shouted angrily from the thick branches.

"Fanny, don't shout like that. Let's have a nice talk." Kevin added in a hurry and impatient voice, "you are always so emotional every time something happens."

"How can I calm down? That bitch named Han had beaten you up like this. You actually told me not to care about it! It's impossible! "

"Fanny, don't call me bitch all the time. It's not appropriate to be heard in the school. What's more, the whole thing has nothing to do with Polly. It was all about Hal. "

"Why does it have nothing to do with her! Don't forget that you slapped her in the mall. She always holds grudges against you and takes opportunity to find someone to revenge on you! "

"No way! I know her. No matter how sad she is and how much she hates me, she will never ask someone to hit me! "

"You are so sure! Alas, Kevin, why do I always find that you have been nice to that bitch? Tell me the truth. Are you still in love with her? Are you regretting it? You want to look back for her, don't you? Did she seduce you secretly? "

"You are really getting more and more offensive!" Since he was angry now, he said with a tough tone, "Fanny Li, I now officially tell you that it's a matter between me and Hal. You don't need to step in!"

"No way! I will take care of it! "

"Fanny, I'm your boyfriend now. Can't you do me a favor?" Kevin softened his voice, as if he was begging her.

"Save your face, then how about mine. 'Kevin, I'm the one who asked for your help, but you gave me away. You... "

suddenly burst into tears and accused

"Fanny, don't cry..."

hear more, but the sound she heard just now made

out that Kevin could not resist such a temptation like this. No wonder Kevin had been poached. If that girl encountered the

her fault. She was

of the tree were swayed with the wind. The sun's

Hal wanted to say something but hesitated,

he and Avril only knew that Kevin slapped her in

will do if they know it. She hoped that it was over and she didn't want to make things more complicated. They were ordinary people and just would let such a wealthy and

the conflict between them. A few days ago, Hal had a fight with Kevin for her. He was so weak now. If anything happened to him, she would feel guilty to death.

well about Hal. Although he was weak and looked funny, he was very serious with his principles. If he kept quarreling with Kevin, Fanny would surely make

serious about it?" "Do you know who is that man? Do you know all

Polly said in a flat voice, "because

The expression on Hal' s face is more tangled," you know!

matter? I know my charm is enough to change my sexual orientation. If I make it, it's my merit. All of them will thank me, ho ho

you are? 'turning into a lesbian?

up and stared straight at him, which made his white

gay? Did anyone

are you talking about! I'm not a gay! "

are not a gay, why do you say it's not

fooled by Bruce! Changing him? If you have time, do something right! If you really have nothing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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