Always There: Win My Ex-wife Back

Chapter 19: He Was So Enchanting

When Michelle stalked into the dining room, she saw Edith and Gerard smiling at her.

A subtle blush painted her cheeks.

Gerard raked his eyes across Michelle from head to toe.

The light yellow slip dress clung to her body in the right places.

Her long hair was tied into a loose bun.

She looked young and charming.

"Good morning, Michelle.Did you sleep well last night?"

Edith asked, flashing a knowing smile.

She was desperate to play with her great-grandchild.

Michelle's cheeks turned red as memories of the previous night flooded her mind.

"Yes, Grandma!"

Edith was pleased to see the shyness in Michelle's eyes.

She looked at her grandson and cast an appreciative smile, hinting that he had done a good job.

She just prayed that Michelle would get pregnant soon.

at the sight

hadn't witnessed the shy side to

blushed when he held her in

ripe apples that he

to work after breakfast.The hospital

grandson was too busy with

their relationship, oblivious to the fact that they were

right.I can go on my own," Michelle

after breakfast.I

chance for Michelle

"Okay.I'll be right back."

she didn't have

stomach sank and she instantly

excused herself; ascended to her

it's good to see that you guys respect

spoke as soon as Michelle

bubbles.It's been more than a year since you guys got married.How is your


thought about what Greenwoods would bring him and forgot to think about what might happen to his grandmother if he

gotten closer to Michelle over

Michelle as her own

bag in hand and kissed Edith's

take care of yourself.I'll come back and see

smile on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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