Always There: Win My Ex-wife Back

Chapter 25: An Unexpected Call From The Greenwoods 

It had been a tiring day for Michelle.She left the hospital soon after finishing work.Her mind flitted to Gerard when she waited at the bus stop.She had informed Gerard that she'd be seeing him in an hour, but couldn't fathom why he had left without telling her.

Did he not want to see her? Or was he too busy with work? After a long wait, she finally heard the whistle of the bus.

However, her phone rang in time.

Michelle rummaged through her bag to pick her phone.

Panic rose in her heart as she wondered if there was an emergency case at the hospital.

Michelle spent a year in the emergency room, dealing with all the critical cases.

She had been used to answering urgent phone calls and treating patients without going home.

A frown lined her forehead when she saw the familiar number flashing on the screen.

After debating whether to answer or not, she finally answered it.

"What's the matter?" Michelle grunted.

She seldom had any form of communication with the Greenwoods, but their phone number was etched in her memory.She could even recite the number backward.

"You sound annoyed, but I don't care.I wouldn't have called you if Grandpa hadn't asked me to.He wants you to come home for dinner,"

Paula Greenwood snapped.

in her tone infuriated

were her cousins, she couldn't

wonder if everyone hated

came to a

call and took a deep breath before leaving for the opposite stop to take a

knew the inhabitants of

were political leaders, and people

in the pit of Michelle's stomach as soon as she

hadn't come here

Greenwood's house looked

luxury cars

revealed that they were all wealthy people in

her grandfather called her home when he

she traversed across the

in red strips, were piled up in

looked like a wedding

giggles greeted her as soon as the servant opened

the direction of the voices and saw Clay standing in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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