Chapter 311 Abel’s Decisiveness

Abel’s cold gaze fell on Douglas’s face. He threatened, “Doug, should I expose the truth for you, or are you going to tell the truth yourself?

Once more, Douglas yelled to Oscar, “I…Old Chairman, I’m innocent!”

Abel chided as he violently slammed the table and said, “How dare you deny your wrongdoing? I bet you wouldn’t give up until I showed the proof!”

He turned to look at Luca and commanded, “Show him the evidence I’ve gathered!”

“Yes, Mr. Abel.”

Luca took out a roll of printed invoices and presented them to Oscar.

Abel explained, “This is evidence that he accepted bribes. I’ll let the two deputy general managers give their own explanations as to why they did so and who offered them the bribes.”

on the ground. They knew it was game over for them. Abel had obtained the proof after learning



has always been decisive and domineering.

voice, “Who is

sidelines, trembled a little. He felt

from rival

declared, “I will warn all businesses

could his long-time subordinate turn out to be someone like him? He was furious about the

a thoughtful look. He believed the one who bribed Douglas was not a competitor but the man before him. He

an ordinary thing in the business world, given that the account from which Douglas received the bribe was in fact from a competing company. There was nothing Abel

about Pryce?” Oscar questioned him as he fixed the deputy general manager of human resources with a

requested that I discredit Mr. Abel.

How could the company I run produce scumbags

the bank card and winked at him, saying, “Abel, the money you transferred to me is all in here. We

no idea where she got the money, but he accepted it as requested.

left as soon as he saw the situation. He was aware that this was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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