“It’s me, Mr. Abel, I beg you to save me and my child, oh my god…”

“What’s going on?” Abel was very anxious, “I could not reach you last time. Where are you right now?”

“My daughter and I were kidnapped,” Kendra cried out, “They found out about the person who has bought the child, and they are going to silence me forever…”

“Tell me, where are you now?”

A monotonous sound came as a reply.

The line was dead now.

A film of cold sweat formed on Abel’s skin.

What kind of vile person would kidnap a woman as poor as Kendra?

Once they sold the child, they would kill Kendra!

What kind of secret was Kendra hiding to the point that she was a target by some scheming people?

Abel quickly put down his phone and checked the origin of that phone number just now.

It was just an ordinary number.

“Luca!” Abel shouted.

“Yes, Mr. Abel!” Luca appeared in front of Abel in no time.

He saw that Abel was no longer seated. His handsome face was now covered in sweat.

It made him think that maybe Abel would pass out because of starvation.

“Mr. Abel…”

However, Abel shoved a memo to him. Luca took that memo, feeling a little puzzled, and saw a string of phone numbers written on it.

“Contact the base station now! You need to pinpoint the caller by using this number!”

“Roger, Mr. Abel.”

He had a feeling that it

immediately called the base station

five minutes, he obtained the

the CEO’s office, “The caller called from Brookwater

now. We will go

two hours, two off-road vehicles arrived at a reservoir which was located

of stones, and it was located next to the massive dam. They reckoned that it must be the guard

driver, “Turn off the headlights. We need to

The driver turned off the

slowly trudged through

the station, Abel gave another

Mr. Abel,” The

got off the vehicle, followed by Luca and some

stop too. Bodyguards poured out of it and they were loading bullets

feet away from the

was a crying sound of a baby coming from the

whispered, “It seems that Kendra and the girl

go,” Abel ordered,


hand and a bodyguard stepped forward. The two of them traversed

Luca and

the girl are in there,” Luca reported, “There are two men who are

not to kill anyone.

compound of the station while holding a

two windows. They aimed their guns

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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