Chapter 340

Looking at the groups of elites barging into the banquet hall one after another, all the guests at the scene were dumbfounded.

None of them expected Dustin to have such great connections. All he did was make a call, and hundreds of people came over to assist him. Not only were there underground organizations and official armed forces, but there was also help from a business tycoon. On top of that, even the mayor of Swinton was here to back him up in person.

In other words, as long as Dustin said the word, all the forces in Swinton could be under his command.

That was a terrifying connection he had.

No wonder he dared to be insolent in front of the Langford family. He had come prepared.

Now the Langfords were not fighting against Dustin alone, but the whole of Swinton. “Who is he exactly? How come he can have influence over so many forces?”

with one another, shocked

the arrogant Langford family finally sensed that the current situation wasn’t favoring them. Even though these forces wouldn’t be able to weaken their foothold, the former could still bring trouble to the latter. After all, the Langfords’ power was in Stonia. Requesting immediate help was

regained his composure and said,

generations. Whether it

Indeed, you have more people with you. But what can you do about it?” Luis sneered, “They are just a

ants. He could even easily get rid of them if he wanted. This was how strong

can’t, what about me?” Right then, a loud and clear voice pierced the

handsome man walked dauntlessly into the banquet hall with a few female officers. He carried such an overwhelming aura with him that everyone lowered their heads subconsciously the

Spanner-the God of War?” Kingston’s eyes widened

him that the chief commander of the West Army,

you know him?” Luis quickly

is Adam Spanner!”

Luis was stunned and could no longer maintain his composure. “What? He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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