“Boy! If you are wise, hand over the treasure. It will be good for everyone. There is no need to lose your life in vain for some external possessions!” Reid Gang raised the golden knife and said with bright eyes.

“It seems that there is no way to be kind today.”

Dustin’s momentum gradually increased: “I don’t want to go on a killing spree, but if you are aggressive, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

He doesn’t want to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it either. .

If these people retreat now, he can pretend that nothing happened.

Otherwise, all you can see is blood.

“Huh! You’re stubborn!”

Caroline Thorne’s face darkened, and then she winked at Reid Gang and the others: “Do it!”


After receiving the signal, Reid Gang shouted low, holding up the golden knife in both hands, and his whole body was agitated. He jumped up and struck Dustin on the head.

As soon as Reid Gang moved, Caroline Thorne seized the opportunity and immediately stepped forward, slashing at Dustin’s neck with the Twisted Sisters knife on the left and right.

With the two grandmasters taking the lead, the other strong men also used their methods, and various attacks kept coming at Dustin.

In an instant, Dustin became the target of public criticism.

to this, Dustin did not dodge, and


and a powerful body-protecting energy burst out instantly, forming

rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to a radius of three meters, like a huge


of explosions like fried beans, accompanied

Sisters sword, or the attacks from others, they

hurt him at


pupils shrank, showing

struck the protective shield with his knife, which only caused the protective shield to vibrate a

to block his attack

strength is really

I have a

attack failed, Caroline Thorne immediately sent a message in

he raised his knife again and launched a crazy

time, he no longer held back and used all his

the energy spurted out like a

hand shone brightly and became

Styles of

hands, and directly used

Golden Sword, each one is stronger than the last, and

fully display his power, he will be invincible. Even Simon Bishop, who is known as the best master in

is that it takes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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