When I woke up the next day, I felt something in my heart. Angriness? Sadness? Or happiness? I don't know, maybe the combination of all. I didn't know how to express it. And also didn't know whether I've to hate him for not respecting my decision or like him for not saying anything about that private chat to everyone.

I don't know.

I run my hand through my messy hair and smoothing it. Suddenly my finger was stuck in my hair, never happened to me before. After some ouch and aah, I released my hand from my messy hair and I took a snap look at it. I saw that shining diamond ring on my finger it was sparkling like the bright light from the balcony spread through our room.

I was engaged!

After brushing my hair and teeth, I went downstairs for coffee.

When I entered the kitchen, the cooking amma turned towards me and leaving the cooking to Jo's hand who didn't even know how to boil water, and took a seat with me at the dining table.

"Anu, are you free today dear?" I nodded. "SO, I was thinking..." she pressed as if she was afraid to say what she was about to say.

"What's the matter amma?" I said as I turned my gaze at my sister like suspecting her for no reason because when I see her with my suspicious look, she comes to spit out that what was going on. So I saw her with eye to eye but she ignored me and went back to mixing the carrot.

"We're all going shopping today for your marriage arrangements so we are thinking that what if you join us. It would be helpful when you help us with your decision because we are going out shopping for you and your future you. And also it would be awesome to spend some more time with you Pappu before you get married and move to the US." She put that puppy pouting face. Did she just mention Pappu that was hilarious? She'd only used those nicknames only to make me fall into her trap. And I was also stupid enough to fall for that when I hear those nicknames she discovers from minute to minute.

"Fine," and it worked, again. I accepted to go out with them shopping. "Where are we going?" I asked not at all curious just asking not expecting the answer.

But she gave me one, anyway. "Today, we'd planned to clothe and jewels. Guess what, we only have a week to your marriage. So we have lots of works to do." She said feeling all the hurry and tension about this wedding.

I wonder why this much tension

That's insane.


and changed into the outfit of the day, and made I was downstairs where amma and Jo weren't ready yet. Before I took a seat on the

our front door. I stood to form the couch and we walked to our garage. As I

smile on their lips. They showed us lots and lots and a variety of sarees but my amma didn't seem to like any of those sarees. After four and a half hours in

said that she wants to show these dresses and jewelry to the

to my brother who was sincerely studying. Just kidding! He wasn't that type of a boy he was playing on his play station with headphones on his head. He didn't expect me there. So when

another. I just sat beside them and seeing how they both were good at killing people on games. On the first challenge brother, Akhil, won and Jo's face went dull. On the second, she won

few minutes later I didn't feel like reading and when I was about to call Arjun. I got a call from the same

answered the call. "Hello?" I said giving


is Anu..., anybody there?" when I didn't get any response, "Sorry, wrong number." And

call anyone or neither of them called me. Suddenly a thought hit me. I've got these mysterious calls. I haven't been in any of those situations before. Next time if I get the same call from that number I'm going to talk them to death.

you forget that he is your younger brother?" I shouted at Jo because she is

I'm just three

than him. "Even if you were

her nose and looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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