"You're safe here, sir." A voice came from the passenger seat in front of us.

I didn't know what he was referring to and then I saw a crowd of people standing with cameras and mics. Then I linked those with what he'd told me before landing. Thank god, we didn't even enter into the public way, we just took another way that was only for people like him, I guess.


First of all, I thought anybody can rent a private jet to impress their bride, second, it was cheap, third, and he was like any other man. All of my guessings were wrong the whole time! He didn't rent a private jet, it wasn't cheap even to rent, and he wasn't like any other men, I say if I wasn't wrong.

Suddenly I remembered Jo, saying this word, "CEO" the other day while I was passing by the kitchen. And when she saw me they pretended like doing dishes and Jo studying.

Finally, I came to thought he must be a "CEO" of some industries or something like that. But still, this was just guessing. I couldn't say correctly.

When I saw the huge mansion in front of me I was shocked and confused and got an answer. He should be a "CEO" otherwise there would be no way you'd buy a mansion like this. It was more than ten times bigger than our house. There was a front yard with the grass ground that felt welcoming. The mansion looks a bit old but traditional and elegant.

We walked in as one of his workers held the door for us. It was all new for me.

Once we were inside the house he left me in the middle of that great living room and he was gone, pfft. I don't know what to do so I just stand there and took in the view of that elegant room. The living area was very big and comfortable. There sat a traditional maroon sofa with floral designs on the cushions. And when I looked at the walls there were, no family photos not even a single portrait.

And I started wondering, why's that?

The house was in pin-drop silence except for my footsteps.

what if that might be a snake or something. But it wasn't a snake or anaconda. It was

and scooped him

barked as if

Handsome, how are you?" I asked him

I turned around to found a kid starring at me with a wide mouth

didn't see

a kid?" He giggled as closing his mouth with

name?" I asked a try to get to know him more apart from a

formal. "Adam Smith, Son of Steve Smith and nephew of Rahul and Venkat Smith. And I'm five years old.

scrutinized the room as if anybody was spying me. "It's nice meeting you, young

it wasn't he?"

a boy. See how handsome_" I

giggled as his voice

Not even invited us. Do you know why? Did you elope with him because your mother didn't like him?" he was going and

of relations was there. At first, I thought

makes the kid stop and pout his face. I tilted my head up and saw Arjun was standing bare-chested as drying his hair with

maybe even he was wondering

smiled and that makes me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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