The next day, while lying on the bed too tired to wake up, this is why I don't go to late night parties instead I just binge and read books. When I open my eyes I noticed a pair of eyes watching me. I jerked and tried to sit straight-Arjun. "Are you okay?" he said.

How can I? He just scared me. But I lied as usual like this is me. "Yes."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I heard you sleep talking, are you alright?" he said.

"What? Me? Sleep talking? No way. Or might be, amma once told me lack of sleep causes sleep talking or because of nightmares.

"Sorry," I said embarrassed.

"Please, don't." he said. "Even I snore." He said as he laughs to make me less embarrasses. Well guess what, that works. I didn't know this side of Arjun before. This is his perfect gentleman side.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"For what?" he asked.

"For my wonderful, first date. I never imagined my first date would be this amazing. I've no words to express it."

"Pleasures all mine." He smiled.

I smiled and when I was about to hopped out of the bed, he grabbed my wrist. "Anu," he whispered.

I jerked in a pause as the sensation of his warm skin in mine. I didn't respond but listens, turned around to meet his gaze as he locked in mine. DAMN, his blue eyes, pale skin, messy hair, just kill me and my ghost.

was going to kiss me, so I closed my eyes, tight, but instead he took a u-turn to my ears, and "Anu I wanna show you something, now." he whispered in my ear as his lips brushed my ears and I went "o-wo-o" of

talking so my voice broke when I

hard, his eyes wrinkled and showing his white

let out a nervous chuckle

follow me," he said as hopping out of the bed, still holding my hand and waiting for

"Now?" I asked, surprised.

He nodded, "YES,"

PJ's not only that, my hair was messy after a lack of sleep,

nodded, again in a

time I was

this house on my first day here. He'd said this room is for his uncle, Arjun's. And no one ever saw what is inside. He tried to sneak

was unlocked with a thud sound, he turned to me with a happy smile which shows he was eagerly waiting for me to show what's inside.

my hand, I felt comfortable him holding me. The room was dark no lights

shoulder as if he just told me to 'wait I'll hold you back in a second.' He

the word I

at me, then

also colors, paints, there were paints everywhere on the floor and it stinks. There was lots of canvasses hanging on the wall but those were closed by a white silky clothe. He merged his fingers in mine

used to watch on the movies, closed with a silky white clothe on the top. All

I wanted to say but my words slipped the tongue anyway. "Why you cover all the paints on the wall?" I

turning to meet my gaze. "I hope you'll like it," he said finally,

I closed with both my hands like a child, he

her wine color maxi dress which shows her bare back, it shows her curve, free dark hair, high heels, no lipstick and no makeup, just the

"She is,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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