Chapter 1 Do Not Move

It was annoyingly hot in Horington by the time June arrived.

After the self-study session ended at night, Sophie Tanner waited till the other students filed out before she got on her bicycle. She took the road to a quiet alley to head home. It might be deserted, but she could shorten her journey by over ten minutes.

Before she could cycle out of the alley, she caught a whiff of blood with her keen nose.

Sophie was pretty familiar with the scent of blood. Other girls would’ve fled the scene if they were in her shoes.

However, Sophie was no ordinary young woman. She continued riding on her bicycle as though nothing had happened.

Indeed, five minutes later, she saw a fight happening in this desolate alley.

One of Sophie’s feet was on the ground, and the other was on the pedal. She stuck one hand into her pocket and held her bicycle with the other as she whistled loudly to catch the others’ attention.

There were over a dozen tall men beating a man up. As there were no lights in the alley, she peered at the man who was surrounded by the rest under the moonlight.

Looks like he’s the one who got hurt.

Hearing Sophie’s whistle, everyone present turned to look at her.


As she was tall, skinny, and clad in her school uniform, the leader of the attackers barked at her furiously.

Sophie’s brow knitted together impatiently.

“You’re blocking my way.”

“You have a death wish!” the leader snarled testily. They had gone to great lengths before getting the opportunity to take action against Tristan Lombard.

Anyone who stopped them from doing that would have to die.

It only took one look from him to get two men to march toward Sophie.

Glancing at her watch, Sophie realized it was already half past ten at night.

Before they could lay a hand on her, Sophie placed her other foot on the pedal and cycled toward the men in black swiftly.

an eye, she managed to hit one man with her bicycle, who stumbled to

on her seat, Sophie whipped around

leader belatedly realized he had

didn’t have much time left. If Tristan’s men arrived, they wouldn’t be able to take him out any

was barely alive when he heard the leader’s order. He immediately pulled himself together. I can’t die

planned to leave after teaching the men

him. Suddenly, her bicycle halted to a stop even though she had

Sophie changed her mind. I’m going to do

bicycle around

she grabbed two knives from

as leverage, she started

men’s expressions grew grim when they realized how vicious

the leader

darted to Tristan

“You’re still alive?”


have a chance to continue their conversation, for the men began charging

capable enough to defeat them all easily. Her actions were cool

the men had been beaten to a pulp, Sophie kicked the person who

didn’t want to continue

almost eleven, so she needed to get home

rooted to the

realized Tristan

with fury, for it was late


“Thank you.”

that said, he fainted

glared at the man on the ground. Despite losing consciousness, he still looked as dignified as ever. In the end, she helped him up and used up all her might to place him on the rear seat of her bicycle. After doing that, she gritted her

shot, Sophie dared not bring him to

too sensitive. She was pretty satisfied with her current life and didn’t want to

dealt with, he would meet his doom before the sun

brought him to a medical laboratory at Horington University. She walked in

on the lights, she placed Tristan on the dissection table that the medical students used for their

the cabinets, she pulled out a

had fainted, so she assumed he could bear the

surgical gloves, Sophie grabbed a pair of scissors and cut Tristan’s bloodied shirt into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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